Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

OUR TUESDAY CLASS IS FULL AT THIS TIME.  We are working on opening a Thursday Session. If you would like to be on a waiting list, please register. Karen will get back to you as soon as possible with your status.

Sonshine Tuesday School is a free Bible-based Preschool program. Registration is open to all children between the ages of 2 and 5. Our overall theme and lessons each week are drawn from the Bible. Our activities are wide, varied and designed to reinforce the lesson for the week while enhancing social emotional growth and fine & gross motor skills.  We offer plenty of playtime, focused group time, snack time and craft time.
This year our theme will be “Bible Children” where we will learn not only about children in the Bible, but also that Jesus loves all the children of the World.
Please read our handbook in it’s entirety prior to registering your child for class so that you are familiar with the guidelines and policies we use for class,
Here's what's new for this year:
We have 2 sessions of Sonshine School available this year, Tuesday and Thursday! We will do our best to accommodate multiple children from the same family in the same session.
Please note the differences as during registration you will be asked to choose the session that best fits your child. We do reserve the right to combine sessions if we do not meet our enrollment numbers.

Once our maximum is reached for a session, your child will be placed on a waiting list and we will notify you that that is the case.

Designed for children ages 3 to 5 where differentiation for skills and maturity are available.
Minumum: 5 children, Maximum: 16 children
2 teachers and 1 youth helper

Designed for children ages 2-5, with priority for younger children and those who need accommodations.
Little to no differentiation
Minimum: 4 children, Maximum: 8 children
2 teachers

Click below to register for Sonshine School now!!

Sonshine School Teacher

Karen Hill

Lead Teacher
Karen is the lead teacher, which makes her responsible for each week's lesson, general curriculum, planning and registration. She is also the teacher to contact for any questions or comments about Sonshine School. She is the mother of 4 children and grandmother of 5. She has more than 30 years experience as a Bible-School teacher and currently works with special needs children in recreational settings throughout the Northwest suburban area. She and her family attend church here at Cardinal Drive.

Estella Cruz

Co-Teacher, Tuesdays
Estella  is the coteacher in Sonshine School on Tuesdays where she collaborates on lesson and classroom planning. She has a passion for teaching young children. She and her family attend church here at Cardinal Drive where they worship with our Spanish-speaking congreagation.

Caitlin Craciun

Co-Teacher, Thursdays
Caitlin   is the coteacher in Sonshine School on Thursdays where she assists with  lessons and classroom management. She is a recent high-school graduate interested in working with young children. Her family worships here at Cardinal Drive.

Important Things to Know

Fees & Supplies

There is no fee to participate in Sonshine School and we will never solicit funds unless a field trip requires a fee.  

However, if you wish to donate in support of the program, please go to ONLINE GIVINGPlease use the drop down box labeled FUND to select Sonshine School.

The nature center field trip will require a small fee($2-schaumburg residents & $3-nonresidents) to use the nature play area, payable by each family when they arrive.

In lieu of fees, some classroom supplies are requested from each child. In addition, when special supplies are needed for a particular project, those may be requested as well.  

Examples of requested supplies include, but are not limited to:

  • paper goods
  • batteries
  • classroom craft supplies
  • classroom cleanup & sanitation supplies
  • ziploc bags in different sizes

On the first day of class, each family receives a list of supplies that their child will need to bring that will benefit the entire classroom. Some others will be for specific activities so they should arrive by the date listed!

All school and craft supplies will be communal supplies this year, available to the children as they need them.

Daily Schedule

9:30-10:00   Free play, craft, table activities
10:00-10:10 Cleanup
10:10-10:50  Group Time
10:50-11:10   Snack
11:10-11:30   Table time
11:30-12:00  Outside time or Inside gym or busy boxes

9:30-9:50       Free play, craft, table activities
9:50-10:00    Cleanup
10:00-10:20  Group Time
10:20-10:30   Snack
10:30-10:40  Table time
10:40-11:00   Outside time or Inside gym or busy boxes

Please note that group time consists of 
  • calendar
  • weather
  • show & tell
  • singing & movement
  • Bible(story & verse)

When we play outside, pickup is at the playground otherwise it is in the room.

Here are some dates on our calendar for the fall to take particular note of:


For those who are beginning Sonshine School you will need to fill out and hand in the forms listed below. You can either download these forms by clicking on their names below or find the hard copies in your registration packet on the first day of class.
  • Our Fall field trip is still being finalized.  Permission slips will be in your registration packet.
  • Information Sheet is your online registration form which will be  in your packet on the first day of class.
  • Emergency Treatment Release will be in your packet on the first day as it requires a signature.
  • If your child is new to our program, please fill out our NewStudentSurvey and bring it with you the first day of class.


Each week a newsletter is available via email or hardcopy in class that tells about what the children learned in class and about what things are coming up. Click below to download a sample newsletter.


Our handy Handbook will provide all the information you could need about Sonshine School! Click below to download the full handbook or individual sections that you need.
Download Full Handbook
Play Time
Field Trips
Service Project
Show and Tell
Closing Program